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NewsNoticeNEB Class 12 Retotaling Form 2081 Notice

NEB Class 12 Retotaling Form 2081 Notice


The government of Nepal, National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Control Office (Class 11 and 12), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published the Class 12 Retotalling Application Form.

Those students who are not satisfied with their results can apply for re-totaling by following the following steps online:

  • Visit and get to the Online Payment (Retotaling) Or, directly visit
  • Enter your Symbol No. and Date of Birth (DOB) and search.
  • Mark the subject which you want to apply for re-totaling with √ a symbol.
  • I am using a Digital Wallet (Like eSewa, or Khalti) to make payments.
  • Save the confirmation message.
  • Keep checking the NEB website for results.

Official Notice:


  1. This is a way of money incoming pocket so don’t believe re totalling it’s not impossible your result will show is show no option.

  2. Come on, it’s been a month since they told us that the re totaling result is coming soon. Reexams are near already and they’re not aware of that?! How careless can an org can be, shame on this management and all…

  3. Mam I gave third time Social Studies examination but sill I’m not getting any grade.
    The one who writes from me gets passed and spreads it to us only.
    Due to this, I had put in the totaling that I will pass: But then my symbol number is not there.
    Now tell me what we should to do ?

  4. Mam I gave third time Social Studies examination but sill I’m not getting any grade.
    The one who writes from me gets passed and spreads it to us only.
    Due to this, I had put in the totaling that I will pass: But then my symbol number is not there.
    Now tell me what we should to do ?
    My symbol no .33400843


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